Settlement Information

A settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit against Albany ENT & Allergy Services P.C. (“Defendant” or “AENT”) relating to a cybersecurity incident as alleged in the Complaint, whereby ransomware groups attacked AENT’s computer systems and obtained patient and employee information from AENT’s systems. The impacted files may include, but are not limited to, names, dates of birth, social security numbers, patient charts, and other medical treatment information (the “Security Incident”).

Who is in the Settlement Class?

You are in the “Settlement Class” as a Settlement Class Member if your Personal Information was compromised as a result of the cybersecurity incident that Albany ENT & Allergy Services, P.C. became aware of in or around March and April 2023 (the “Security Incident”). If you received mailed notice of this settlement, Defendant’s records indicate that you are a Settlement Class Member.

Your Legal Rights and Options

Option and Deadline

Your Legal Rights

Submit a Claim

by October 23, 2024

Submitting a Claim Form is the only way that you can receive settlement benefits provided by this settlement, including, documented Extraordinary Out-of-Pocket Losses, an Alternative Cash Payment, or Credit Monitoring and Identity Theft Protection Services.

You may submit a claim HERE.

If you submit a Claim Form, you will give up the right to sue AENT in a separate lawsuit about the legal claims this settlement resolves.

Exclude Yourself or Opt Out

by September 23, 2024

This is the only option that allows you to sue, continue to sue, or be part of another lawsuit against AENT for the claims this settlement resolves.

Refer to FAQ 17 for detailed instructions on how to exclude yourself from the Settlement.

If you exclude yourself, you will give up the right to receive settlement benefits from this settlement.

Object to the Settlement

by September 23, 2024

You may object to the settlement by writing to the Court and informing it why you do not think the settlement should be approved.

If you object, you may also file a Claim Form to receive settlement benefits, but you will give up the right to sue AENT in a separate lawsuit about the legal claims this settlement resolves.

Refer to FAQ 20 for detailed instructions on how to object from the Settlement.

Go To the Final Fairness Hearing

October 16, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.

You may attend the Final Fairness Hearing where the Court may hear arguments concerning approval of the settlement. If you wish to speak at the Final Fairness Hearing, you must make a request to do so in your written objection or comment. You are not required to attend the Final Fairness Hearing.

Do Nothing

no deadline

If you do nothing, you will not receive settlement benefits and you will give up your rights to sue AENT and certain Released Parties for the claims this settlement resolves.

Dates and Deadlines

Claims Deadline

October 23, 2024

Exclusion Deadline

September 23, 2024

Objection Deadline

September 23, 2024

Fairness Hearing

October 16, 2024